Success in Amsterdam!

Success in Amsterdam!

AMS is a new Amsterdam based public-private institute where talent is educated and engineers, designers, digital engineers and natural/social scientists jointly develop and valorise interdisciplinary metropolitan solutions.

On April 2nd 2013 the City of Amsterdam launched a ‘design contest’ for the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions. The aim of the contest was to solicit well thought out proposals for what such an international technological institute should be. On September 13th 2013 a jury led by Prof. Dijkgraaf announced the entry, from TU Delft, Wageningen University and MIT as the “convincing winner of the AMS design contest”.

Chris worked closely with Kenneth Heijns (executive secretary at the Technical University of Delft), together leading a team with high level members from both organisation. They proposed a research institute which fosters the creation of urban solutions (in areas such as water, energy, waste, food, and data management) through the collaboration of academic and research institutions, enterprise, municipalities and local residents.

AMS-partners are TU Delft, Wageningen UR and MIT as core academic partners, TNO, Amsterdam Smart City, The Waag Society, City of Boston, KPN, Accenture, Alliander, Cisco, ESA, IBM, Shell and Waternet. AMS advocates an open model that lets others that share its vision participate in its research and valorisation activities, make use of its infrastructure, and contribute to and benefit from AMS. Visit the website of AMS for more information.


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